
FOX NEWS: Nicole Kidman says she's 'teased' for her belief in God, going to Church as a family

Nicole Kidman says she's 'teased' for her belief in God, going to Church as a family Actress Nicole Kidman revealed she often gets teased by friends for passing her strong belief in God onto her children. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Restaurant reopens after laxative-laced-pizza controversy

Restaurant reopens after laxative-laced-pizza controversy The chief of police in Springtown, Texas, showed that when it comes to supporting local businesses, he’s not afraid of a little laxative. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: ‘Game of Thrones’ star Maisie Williams responds to viewers calling sex scene ‘uncomfortable’

‘Game of Thrones’ star Maisie Williams responds to viewers calling sex scene ‘uncomfortable’ Maisie Williams reminded viewers her shocking “Game of Thrones” sex scene in Sunday night’s episode was uncomfortable for everyone, including her family. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Bill Cosby fighting $1 million a month legal bills in arbitration

Bill Cosby fighting $1 million a month legal bills in arbitration A fee dispute between actor Bill Cosby and one of the many law firms hired to address his legal problems shows the Los Angeles firm alone was billing Cosby $1 million a month in the run-up to his first sex assault trial. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Cornyn's team, Patton Oswalt get into heated back-and-forth on Twitter

Cornyn's team, Patton Oswalt get into heated back-and-forth on Twitter An attempt by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, on Tuesday to shame his challenger for associating with the vulgarities of actor Patton Oswalt appeared to backfire after Twitter users accused him of “pearl clutching.” via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Jennifer Garner covers People Magazine's Beautiful issue

Jennifer Garner covers People Magazine's Beautiful issue Jennifer Garner graces the front of this year's "Beautiful Issue" of People magazine with a cover story that cheers the way she balances Hollywood, business and motherhood. via FOX NEWS