The BEST Keto Chicken Cilantro Crispy Sandwich - EVER!...

The BEST Keto Chicken Cilantro Crispy Sandwich - EVER! Time / Carb InfoPrepping Time 5MCook Time 4MTotal Time 9MNet Carb/Serv ~4.5-6gServings 1Ingredients1/2 Sheet CutdaCarb Flatbread or 1 Low Carb Tortilla12.5 oz Canned Chicken3 Cilantro Stems4 tbsp Kewpie MayoSalt and Pepper to taste1 tbsp melted butter (I use grass fed butter)Directions Full step by step pictures recipe @ Gather all the ingredients.2) Cut Cutdacarb in half with kitchen shears. Put one half away. Take the remaining half and cut in fourths again. You will end up with 4 squares. Take those squares and cut each one in half to form triangles (it’s fine if the triangles are not perfect). Note - if using low carb tortilla, cut in fourths, brush with butter and bake at 425 F for 5-7 minutes or until lightly brown and/or crispy.3) Place triangles on a baking sheet.4) Melt butter in a microwave for approx 20 seconds or until melted.5) Lightly brush butter on triangles.6) Bake at 425F for 3-4 minutes or until it begins to brown and is crispy. We use a toaster oven and it takes about 4 minutes. Note- Be vigilant in watching the flatbread because they can burn very quickly.7) Meanwhile, drain canned chicken and put in a bowl.8) Finely chop cilantro, stems and all.9) Mix in Kewpie mayo, cilantro, salt and pepper to taste. Combine well until chicken chunks have separated and resembles shredded chicken.10) When flatbread or tortillas are done, sandwich the chicken cilantro mix between two pieces and serve.
from KETO
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